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Author: Steve Purcell
Latest release: 0.6, 15th November 2001 (download)

dbdoc: database schema documentation generator

Project summary and intent

DBdoc is a set of utilities which generate Javadoc-style HTML documentation for database schemas. It is written in Python.

The current release of this code can generate documentation for Oracle and PostgreSQL schemas by introspecting a running database instance. A java-style properties file can optionally be used to add human-readable descriptions of such schema elements as tables, columns and indexes.

The project defines a simple Python API for inspecting DB schemas. The included 'oraschema' and 'pgschema' modules are implementations of the API for Oracle and PostgreSQL respectively. Implementations of this schema for other databases would be very welcome!

System requirements

To use the latest release of DBdoc, you will need Python 1.5.2 or later, plus the requisites for your particular database:

Project resources

The author

I am an independent software specialist; I recently decided to consolidate my activities on writing, applying and teaching OpenSource software. Despite intensive spells with C, C++ and Perl in days of yore, I currently favour Python, Ruby, Java and Erlang (in no particular order).

Feel free to send me e-mail using this form or directly to: stephen_purcell at yahoo dot com.

Some of my other projects (mostly using Python):

I am intermittently available for consulting and training engagements in various application areas and on various platforms; details available upon request. (IT recruiters will save time by not bothering to contact me.)

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Last modified: Thu Nov 15 12:19:46 CET 2001